Galimulator Wikia

An endless list of possible governments, accessible through "Create Empire!" menu in Sandbox mode menu

Galimulator has a huge variety of government and leadership types that all empires have a chance of starting or manually being created with. Keep in mind that these do not change the gameplay of the game, just the names, so even as a democracy, you still have the power of an emperor.


  • Administration - A government or organization that manages public or internal affairs.
  • Agency - A branch of a government that has been created and is maintained for a certain purpose.
  • Alliance - A pact made by a star, family, territory, or rebelling government(Usually consisting of more than one rebelling empire) in the galaxy creates an allied empire(Alliance).
  • Aristocracy - A government where power over the empire is held by nobility.
  • Army - A large militarily organized empire always led by a commander and chief and other officers.
  • Ascendency - A government that has dominant power.
  • Assemblage - A government based off repeated assemblies.
  • Assembly - A governmental society gathered in a territory in a galaxy for a common purpose.
  • Association - A group of individuals organized to cooperate efficiently throughout the empire.
  • Authority - An area where any individual or group of individuals holds power.
  • Autocracy - A government lead by one person or being with absolute power.
  • Axis - An alliance between multiple rebelling empires or stars that creates a super empire.
  • Band - A very small group, often a nomadic one, that is independent of any higher power.
  • Body - A government governed by the people of the empire.
  • Bureau - A government whose head of state is not one person, but rather a group of people.
  • Bureaucracy - An empire where the decisions are made by the ministry, government, or any political official.
  • Cabal - A secret political society, organization, empire, nation... etc that makes a faction.
  • Chapter - A local branch of a greater government
  • Chiefdom - A hierarchical society or organization lead by selected families.
  • Circle - A group of people that have conspired to maintain much of the influence in a government that otherwise is larger in scope than the circle itself.
  • Clan - A government that has risen through exploiting political chaos in another government.
  • Clonocracy - A government run on clones.
  • Coalition - A alliance made up of political parties and ministries usually for defense and combined action that creates an array of states, stars, and sections.
  • Collective - A cooperative group of civilizations.
  • Colony - A empire under the control of a bigger and more dominant empire or civilization.
  • Combine - A large governmental group composed of different governments, species, communities, and societies.
  • Commission- A group of individuals who have been chosen by another government for a certain function for the empire.
  • Commonwealth - An rebelling or independent empire.
  • Communion - A religious government that exchanges spiritual activity towards one another.
  • Community - A society made up of civilizations that have many things in common.
  • Company - A government with the express purpose of creating revenue
  • Conclave - A large meeting held together by ministers.
  • Confederation - A government that consist of many parties, groups, and organizations that make a league or alliance.
  • Conglomerates - A political group made up of different governments or organizations.
  • Conspiracy - A unlawful or harmful government.
  • Contingency - A large mob of governments created during times of emergency or struggle.
  • Corporation - A company who has gained substantial control of government affairs.
  • Corporatocracy - A government run entirely by corporations.
  • Council - An assembly of politicians and ministers that come together to make societal, political, or military decisions.
  • Covenant - A government whose decisions are based on voluntary consent.
  • Cult - A government formed around a specific object that tends to form an extensive 'ideology' around said object.
  • Democracy - A government by a civilization created by a elected politician.
  • Diaspora - A territory, region, or society composed of a religious group of families.
  • Dictatorship - A empire led by a dictator or leader with authority over all things controlled by the empire... government, society, military, and foreign relations.
  • Division - A part of a government that has been defined as partially separate from a higher part of said government.
  • Directorate - A government that looks over its own activities(Internal activities).
  • Dominion - A sovereign government.
  • Electorate - A government that has power in electing officials to governments higher than it's own.
  • Empire - A group of stars, territories, families, dynasties, and other empires ruled by an emperor and ministries as their central government.
  • Enablement - A government lead by someone who is only given the right to do something under anothers supervision.
  • Ensemble - Unknown
  • Enterprise - Some type of company
  • Entity - An area that has coherent political status but no clear positions and/or rules of power
  • Falange - A government that should be run with an oddly specific form of syndicalism for the government types in this game, but is ruled by an emperor. There's no real explanation as to what this is.
  • Family - A group of closely related people that rules over some amount of territory.
  • Federation - A large group of organizations, territories, countries, stars, states, and regions with a central government but is independent in internal operations.
  • Fellowship - A group of people who govern an area with a common interest.
  • Formation - A group that has at least one concrete position of power.
  • Foundation - A government that is affiliated with a previous empire government.
  • Free State - A group of stars or a region in a galaxy where slavery was present but made illegal.
  • Freehold - A empire that only sees freedom as being valuable.
  • Gathering - A large political meeting(similar to a council) that makes a government.
  • Geriocracy - A government in which the elderly reign supreme.
  • Government - A government similar to what you have in a nation.
  • Group - A group of unrelated people that rule over the same territory.
  • Guild - A group of stars, merchants, and craftsman that has power over that part of the galaxy.
  • Hegemony - Dominance by one star, territory, or family over one another.
  • Hierarchy - A government created and ranked individually based on status and authority.
  • Hive - A group of individuals(usually galactic insects) that have created a stable society, government, military, and economy.
  • House - A group of territories which a family (or house, hence the name) rules over that acts as a collective political entity.
  • Identity - A loosely governed area that has the same sense of identity,
  • Ideocracy - A government ran around a specific idea.
  • Imperium - A empire that has absolute power over everything(on a galactic scale).
  • Institution - A religious empire that is founded for spiritual, educational, and social purposes.
  • Instrumentality - A government operated for public purposes.
  • Junta - A rebelling ship, star, or empire that took control of an empire using extreme military force.
  • Jury - A empire led by a group of judges and other lawful political figures.
  • Kingdom - A empire ruled by a king and queen.
  • League - A collection of countries, stars, recent empires, territories, regions, governments, and societies united for a purpose(commonly for protection and cooperation).
  • Legion - A large group of leaders or families that have the traits of warriors.
  • Matriarchy - A government ruled exclusively by females.
  • Meritocracy - A government whose politicians are selected solely based on how well they do things.
  • Ministry - A government headed by a minister.
  • Mission - A government founded to make something happen.
  • Monarchy - Any political entity ruled by one person. In-game, monarchies are ruled by either a king or queen.
  • Movement - A government formed from a set of individuals with loose power that have risen through popularity, typically achieved by the population trying to get something to happen.
  • Myriad - A extremely large civilization or group that creates a society.
  • Nation - A civilization or empire formed by common language, territory, history, ethnicity, physical look, and culture.
  • Nobility - A former monarchy whose nobility now rule over the empire.
  • Ochlocracy - A government lead by mobs or rebelling individuals.
  • Office - A branch of a government.
  • Oligarchy - Small organization of politicians having control of an empire.
  • Order - An authoritarian state that has conquered a large amount of stars or land
  • Organization - A political group of individuals organized for a particular purpose.
  • Pact - A group of organizations or political parties that signed a formal agreement.
  • Partnership - A empire led by a group of partners or relatives.
  • Patriarchy - A government ruled exclusively by males.
  • Plutocracy - A government composed and governed only by the wealthy.
  • Political Section - A political empire or section created from a previous empire or civilization(Focused mostly on relations, economics, and other governmental activities).
  • Population -  A large group of individual species living in a part of a galaxy that makes up a society.
  • Principality - An empire ruled by a prince.
  • Pilgrimage - A group of people who have moved far from their original area to establish an area to freely practice their culture.
  • Plutocracy - An area governed by the wealthy.
  • Protectorate - A grouping of stars that make a empire that may or will protect each other from any universal threat.
  • Provinces - A empire or group of countries that administrates the territory of previous empires.
  • Regency - A temporary rule established while the process of creating a permanent government is underway.
  • Regime - A government that has control over everything in the empire(authoritarian).
  • Republic - A democracy with power entrusted mainly to elected officials.
  • Robocracy - a government led by robots, droids, drones, or any other self-aware AI.
  • Sanctum - A religious government established around a location especially sacred to said religion.
  • Schism - A government that has split from a previous government with strongly opposing ideals.
  • Senate - A empire that is ruled by a small and eponymously titled legislature.
  • State - A empire considered to be a large community of civilizations under a single government.
  • Society - A group of people with similar culture that have the capacity to defend their culture as a whole but have yet to form a real government.
  • Swarm - A large colony of interstellar, galactic, or stellar insects that creates its own society and government.
  • Syndicate - A group of political parties that have combined to promote a common interest.
  • Technocracy - A government run primarily to advance technology.
  • Theocracy- A religious government where priests or other religious individuals govern the empire.
  • Timocracy - A empire where the possession of things, even property, require a political position.
  • Tribe - A society consisting of families, communities, and dynasties that share the same culture, usually having a tribe leader as the center.
  • Triumvirate - A government dominated by three people.
  • Trust - A government whose ruler is elected based on how popular they are and whose ruler can be deposed if they become unpopular enough.
  • Union - A group of species or civilization united by a common ancestor, interest, or purpose.
  • Worlds - A large group of united stars that create a society and government.